Source code for mdt.component_templates.batch_profiles

import glob
import os
from itertools import filterfalse

from mdt.lib.batch_utils import SimpleBatchProfile, BatchFitProtocolLoader, SimpleSubjectInfo
from mdt.component_templates.base import ComponentBuilder, ComponentTemplate

__author__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__date__ = "2017-02-14"
__maintainer__ = "Robbert Harms"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class BatchProfileBuilder(ComponentBuilder): def _create_class(self, template): """Creates classes with as base class SimpleBatchProfile Args: template (BatchProfileTemplate): the batch profile config template Returns: SimpleBatchProfile: an subclass of a batch profile """ class AutoCreatedBatchProfile(SimpleBatchProfile): def _get_subjects(self, data_folder): dirs = sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(data_folder, '*'))]) subjects = [] for subject_id in dirs: subject_base_folder = os.path.join( data_folder, template.subject_base_folder.format(subject_id=subject_id)) def _prepare_path(template_path): if template_path is None: return None return template_path.format(data_folder=data_folder, subject_id=subject_id, subject_base_folder=subject_base_folder) data_glob = glob.glob(_prepare_path(template.data_fname)) if not list(data_glob): break noise_std = self._autoload_noise_std(data_folder, subject_id, file_pattern=_prepare_path(template.noise_std_fname)) protocol_loader = BatchFitProtocolLoader( _prepare_path(template.protocol_auto_dir), protocol_fname=_prepare_path(template.protocol_fname), bvec_fname=_prepare_path(template.bvec_fname), bval_fname=_prepare_path(template.bval_fname), protocol_columns=template.protocol_columns) mask_fname = None if list(glob.glob(_prepare_path(template.mask_fname))): mask_fname = glob.glob(_prepare_path(template.mask_fname))[0] data_glob = list(filterfalse(lambda v: v == mask_fname, data_glob)) grad_dev = None if list(glob.glob(_prepare_path(template.gradient_deviations_fname))): grad_dev = glob.glob(_prepare_path(template.gradient_deviations_fname))[0] data_glob = list(filterfalse(lambda v: v == grad_dev, data_glob)) subjects.append(SimpleSubjectInfo( data_folder, subject_base_folder, subject_id, data_glob[0], protocol_loader, mask_fname, noise_std=noise_std, gradient_deviations=grad_dev)) return subjects def __str__(self): return for name, method in template.bound_methods.items(): setattr(AutoCreatedBatchProfile, name, method) return AutoCreatedBatchProfile
[docs]class BatchProfileTemplate(ComponentTemplate): """The batch profile template to inherit. Attributes: name (str): the name of this batch profile description (str): the description subject_base_folder (str): the base folder for this subject. Allows expansion of ``{subject_id}``. data_fname (str): the filename of the data volumes file. Allows expansion of ``{subject_id}`` and ``{subject_base_folder}``, and supports globbing. Results are afterwards filtered to exclude matches of the mask and gradient deviations files. mask_fname (str): the filename of the mask. Allows expansion of ``{subject_id}`` and ``{subject_base_folder}``, and supports globbing. noise_std_fname (str): the filename of the noise standard deviation file. Can be textfile or a nifti file. Allows expansion of ``{subject_id}`` and ``{subject_base_folder}``, and supports globbing. gradient_deviations_fname (str): the filename of the gradient deviations. Allows expansion of ``{subject_id}`` and ``{subject_base_folder}``, and supports globbing. protocol_auto_dir (str): the directory from which MDT will try to autoload a directory. Supports ``{subject_id}`` and ``{subject_base_folder}``, and supports globbing. protocol_fname (str): the filename of the protocol file to use. Supports ``{subject_id}`` and ``{subject_base_folder}``, and supports globbing. If provided, we use it instead of the automatically searched default. bvec_fname (str): the filename of the bvec file to use. Supports ``{subject_id}`` and ``{subject_base_folder}``, and supports globbing. If provided, we use it instead of the automatically searched default. bval_fname (str): the filename of the bval file to use. Supports ``{subject_id}`` and ``{subject_base_folder}``, and supports globbing. If provided, we use it instead of the automatically searched default. protocol_columns (dict): a dictionary with additional columns to add to the protocol file. Use this for default values for all subjects in your study. """ _component_type = 'batch_profiles' _builder = BatchProfileBuilder() name = None description = '' subject_base_folder = '{subject_id}' data_fname = '{subject_base_folder}/*.nii*' mask_fname = '{subject_base_folder}/*mask.nii*' noise_std_fname = '{subject_base_folder}/noise_std*' gradient_deviations_fname = '{subject_base_folder}/grad_dev.nii*' protocol_auto_dir = '{subject_base_folder}' protocol_fname = None bvec_fname = None bval_fname = None protocol_columns = {}