Source code for mdt.component_templates.composite_models

import re
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import tatsu

from mdt.component_templates.base import ComponentBuilder, ComponentTemplate
from mdt.lib.components import get_component
from mdt.model_building.parameters import FreeParameter, ProtocolParameter
from mdt.models.composite import DMRICompositeModel
from mot.lib.cl_function import CLFunction, SimpleCLFunction
from mdt.model_building.trees import CompartmentModelTree
import collections

from mot.optimize.base import SimpleConstraintFunction

__author__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__date__ = "2017-02-14"
__maintainer__ = "Robbert Harms"
__email__ = ""

_composite_model_expression_parser = tatsu.compile('''
    result = expr;
    expr = term ('+'|'-') expr | term;
    term = factor ('*'|'/') term | factor;
    factor = '(' expr ')' | model;
    model = model_name ['(' nickname ')'];
    model_name = /[a-zA-Z_]\w*/;
    nickname = /[a-zA-Z_]\w*/;

[docs]class DMRICompositeModelBuilder(ComponentBuilder): def _create_class(self, template): """Creates classes with as base class DMRICompositeModel Args: template (CompositeModelTemplate): the composite model config template to use for creating the class with the right init settings. """ class AutoCreatedDMRICompositeModel(DMRICompositeModel): def __init__(self, volume_selection=True): super().__init__( deepcopy(, CompartmentModelTree(parse_composite_model_expression(template.model_expression)), deepcopy(_resolve_likelihood_function(template.likelihood_function)), signal_noise_model=_resolve_signal_noise_model(template.signal_noise_model), enforce_weights_sum_to_one=template.enforce_weights_sum_to_one, volume_selection=volume_selection ) for full_param_name, value in template.inits.items(): self.init(full_param_name, deepcopy(value)) for full_param_name, value in template.fixes.items(): self.fix(full_param_name, deepcopy(value)) for full_param_name, value in template.lower_bounds.items(): self.set_lower_bound(full_param_name, deepcopy(value)) for full_param_name, value in template.upper_bounds.items(): self.set_upper_bound(full_param_name, deepcopy(value)) self.nmr_parameters_for_bic_calculation = self.get_nmr_parameters() self._extra_optimization_maps_funcs.extend(_get_model_extra_optimization_maps_funcs( self._model_functions_info.get_compartment_models())) self._extra_optimization_maps_funcs.extend(deepcopy(template.extra_optimization_maps)) self._extra_sampling_maps_funcs.extend(_get_model_extra_sampling_maps_funcs( self._model_functions_info.get_compartment_models())) self._extra_sampling_maps_funcs.extend(deepcopy(template.extra_sampling_maps)) self._model_priors.extend(_resolve_model_prior( template.prior, self._model_functions_info.get_model_parameter_list())) constraint_func = _resolve_constraints( template.constraints, self._model_functions_info.get_model_parameter_list()) if constraint_func: self._constraints.append(constraint_func) self._constraints.extend(_get_compartment_constraints( self._model_functions_info.get_compartment_models())) def _get_suitable_volume_indices(self, input_data): volume_selection = template.volume_selection if not volume_selection: return super()._get_suitable_volume_indices(input_data) protocol_indices = [] for protocol_name, ranges in volume_selection.items(): values = input_data.protocol[protocol_name] for start, end in ranges: protocol_indices.extend(np.where((start <= values) * (values <= end))[0]) return np.unique(protocol_indices) for name, method in template.bound_methods.items(): setattr(AutoCreatedDMRICompositeModel, name, method) return AutoCreatedDMRICompositeModel
[docs]class CompositeModelTemplate(ComponentTemplate): """The composite model config to inherit from. These configs are loaded on the fly by the DMRICompositeModelBuilder Attributes: name (str): the name of the model, defaults to the class name description (str): model description extra_optimization_maps (list): a list of functions to return extra information maps based on a point estimate. This is called after after the model calculated uncertainties based on the Fisher Information Matrix. Therefore, these routines can propagate uncertainties in the estimates. These functions should accept as single argument an object of type :class:`mdt.models.composite.ExtraOptimizationMapsInfo`. Examples:: extra_optimization_maps = [lambda d: {'FS': 1 - d['w_ball.w']}, lambda d: {'Kurtosis.MK': <...>}, lambda d: {'Power2': d['foo']**2, 'Power3': d['foo']**3}, ...] extra_sampling_maps (list): a list of functions to return additional maps as results from sample. This is called after sample with as argument a dictionary containing the sample results and the values of the fixed parameters. Examples:: extra_sampling_maps = [lambda d: {'FS': np.mean(d['w_stick0.w'], axis=1), 'FS.std': np.std(d['w_stick0.w'], axis=1)} ...] model_expression (str): the model expression. For the syntax see: mdt.models.parsers.CompositeModelExpression.ebnf likelihood_function (:class:`mdt.model_building.likelihood_functions.LikelihoodFunction` or str): the likelihood function to use during optimization, can also can be a string with one of 'Gaussian', 'OffsetGaussian' or 'Rician' signal_noise_model (SignalNoiseModel): optional signal noise decorator inits (dict): indicating the initialization values for the parameters. Example: .. code-block:: python inits = {'Stick.theta': np.pi} fixes (dict): indicating the constant value for the given parameters. Example: .. code-block:: python fixes = {'Ball.d': 3.0e-9, 'NODDI_EC.kappa': SimpleAssignment('NODDI_IC.kappa'), 'NODDI_EC.theta': 'NODDI_IC.theta'} Next to values, this also accepts strings as dependencies (or dependecy objects directly). upper_bounds (dict): indicating the upper bounds for the given parameters. Example: .. code-block:: python upper_bounds = {'Stick.theta': pi} lower_bounds (dict): indicating the lower bounds for the given parameters. Example: .. code-block:: python lower_bounds = {'Stick.theta': 0} enforce_weights_sum_to_one (boolean): set to False to disable the automatic Weight-sum-to-one dependency. By default it is True and we add them. volume_selection (dict): the volume selection by this model. This can be used to limit the volumes used in the analysis to only the volumes included in the specification. You can specify specific protocol names here for limiting the selected volumes. For example, for the Tensor model we can write:: volume_selection = {'b': [(0, 1.5e9 + 0.1e9)]} To limit the volumes to the b-values between 0 and 1.6e9. If the method ``_get_suitable_volume_indices`` is overwritten, this does nothing. prior (str or CLFunction or None): a model wide prior. This is used in conjunction with the compartment priors and the parameter priors. constraints (str or None): additional inequality constraints for this model. Each constraint needs to be implemented as ``g(x)`` where we assume that ``g(x) <= 0``. For example, to implement a simple inequality constraint like ``Tensor.d >= Tensor.dperp0``, we first write it as ``Tensor.dperp0 - Tensor.d <= 0``. We can then implement it as:: constraints = 'constraints[0] = Tensor.dperp0 - Tensor.d;' To add more constraint, add another entry to the ``constraints`` array. MDT parses the given text and automatically recognizes the model parameter names and the number of constraints. """ _component_type = 'composite_models' _builder = DMRICompositeModelBuilder() name = '' description = '' extra_optimization_maps = [] extra_sampling_maps = [] model_expression = '' likelihood_function = 'OffsetGaussian' signal_noise_model = None inits = {} fixes = {} upper_bounds = {} lower_bounds = {} enforce_weights_sum_to_one = True volume_selection = None prior = None constraints = None
[docs] @classmethod def meta_info(cls): meta_info = deepcopy(ComponentTemplate.meta_info()) meta_info.update({'name':, 'description': cls.description}) return meta_info
def _resolve_likelihood_function(likelihood_function): """Resolve the likelihood function from a string if necessary. The composite models accept likelihood functions as a string and as a object. This function resolves the strings if a string is given, else it returns the object passed. Args: likelihood_function (str or object): the likelihood function to resolve to an object Returns: mdt.model_building.likelihood_models.LikelihoodFunction: the likelihood function to use """ if isinstance(likelihood_function, str): return get_component('likelihood_functions', likelihood_function)() else: return likelihood_function def _resolve_signal_noise_model(signal_noise_function): """Resolve the signal noise function from a string if necessary. The composite models accept signal noise functions as a string and as a object. This function resolves the strings if a string is given, else it returns the object passed. Args: signal_noise_function (str or object): the signal noise function to resolve to an object Returns: mdt.model_building.signal_noise_models.SignalNoiseModel: the signal noise function to use """ if isinstance(signal_noise_function, str): return get_component('signal_noise_functions', signal_noise_function)() else: return signal_noise_function def _resolve_model_prior(prior, model_parameters): """Resolve the model priors. Args: prior (None or str or mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction): the prior defined in the composite model template. model_parameters (str): the (model, parameter) tuple for all the parameters in the model Returns: list of mdt.model_building.utils.ModelPrior: list of model priors """ if prior is None: return [] if isinstance(prior, CLFunction): return [prior] dotted_names = ['{}.{}'.format(, for m, p in model_parameters] dotted_names.sort(key=len, reverse=True) parameters = [] remaining_prior = prior for dotted_name in dotted_names: bar_name = dotted_name.replace('.', '_') if dotted_name in remaining_prior: prior = prior.replace(dotted_name, bar_name) remaining_prior = remaining_prior.replace(dotted_name, '') parameters.append('mot_float_type ' + dotted_name) elif bar_name in remaining_prior: remaining_prior = remaining_prior.replace(bar_name, '') parameters.append('mot_float_type ' + dotted_name) return [SimpleCLFunction('mot_float_type', 'model_prior', parameters, prior)] def _get_compartment_constraints(compartments): """Get a list of all the constraint functions defined in the compartments. This function will add a wrapper around the constraint functions to make the inputs relative to the compartment model. That it, the constraint functions of the compartments expect the parameter names without the model name, whereas the expected input of the composite constraint functions is with the full name. Args: compartments (list): the list of compartment models from which to get the constraints Returns: List[mot.optimize.base.ConstraintFunction]: list of constraint functions from the compartments. """ constraints = [] def get_wrapped_function(compartment_name, original_constraint_func): parameters = [] for param in original_constraint_func.get_parameters(): if isinstance(param, FreeParameter): parameters.append(param.get_renamed('{}_{}'.format(compartment_name, elif isinstance(param, ProtocolParameter): parameters.append(param) body = original_constraint_func.get_cl_function_name() + \ '(' + ', '.join( for p in parameters) + ', constraints);' return SimpleConstraintFunction( 'void', 'wrapped_' + original_constraint_func.get_cl_function_name(), parameters + ['local mot_float_type* constraints'], body, dependencies=[original_constraint_func], nmr_constraints=original_constraint_func.get_nmr_constraints()) for compartment in compartments: if compartment.get_constraints_func(): constraints.append(get_wrapped_function(, compartment.get_constraints_func())) return constraints def _resolve_constraints(constraint, model_parameters): """Resolve the constraints. This parses the given constraints to recognize the parameters and the number of constraints. Args: constraint (str): the string with the constraints model_parameters (tuple(str)): the (model, parameter) tuples for all parameters in the model Returns: mot.optimize.base.ConstraintFunction: the additional constraint function for this composite model """ if constraint is None: return None constraint_refs = re.findall(r'constraints\[(\d+)\]', constraint) if not constraint_refs: return None nmr_constraints = max(map(int, constraint_refs)) + 1 parameters = [] protocol_parameters_seen = [] for m, p in model_parameters: if isinstance(p, FreeParameter): parameters.append(p.get_renamed('{}_{}'.format(, elif isinstance(p, ProtocolParameter): if not in protocol_parameters_seen: parameters.append(p) protocol_parameters_seen.append( dotted_names = ['{}.{}'.format(, for m, p in model_parameters] dotted_names.sort(key=len, reverse=True) remaining_constraint = constraint for dotted_name in dotted_names: bar_name = dotted_name.replace('.', '_') if dotted_name in remaining_constraint: constraint = constraint.replace(dotted_name, bar_name) remaining_constraint = remaining_constraint.replace(dotted_name, '') elif bar_name in remaining_constraint: remaining_constraint = remaining_constraint.replace(bar_name, '') return SimpleConstraintFunction('void', 'model_constraints', parameters + ['local mot_float_type* constraints'], constraint, nmr_constraints=nmr_constraints) def _get_model_extra_optimization_maps_funcs(compartments): """Get a list of all the additional result functions defined in the compartments. This function will add a wrapper around the modification routines to make the input and output maps relative to the model. That it, the functions in the compartments expect the parameter names without the model name and they output maps without the model name, whereas the expected input and output of the functions of the model is with the full name. Args: compartments (list): the list of compartment models from which to get the extra optimization maps Returns: list: the list of modification routines taken from the compartment models. """ funcs = [] def get_wrapped_func(compartment_name, original_func): def get_compartment_specific_results(results): maps = {k[len(compartment_name) + 1:]: v for k, v in results.items() if k.startswith(compartment_name)} if 'covariances' in results and results['covariances'] is not None: p = re.compile(compartment_name + r'\.\w+_to_' + compartment_name + r'\.\w+') maps['covariances'] = {k.replace(compartment_name + '.', ''): v for k, v in results['covariances'].items() if p.match(k)} return results.copy_with_different_results(maps) def prepend_compartment_name(results): return {'{}.{}'.format(compartment_name, key): value for key, value in results.items()} def wrapped_modifier(results): return prepend_compartment_name(original_func(get_compartment_specific_results(results))) return wrapped_modifier for compartment in compartments: for func in compartment.get_extra_optimization_maps_funcs(): funcs.append(get_wrapped_func(, func)) return funcs def _get_model_extra_sampling_maps_funcs(compartments): """Get a list of all the additional post-sample functions defined in the compartments. This function will add a wrapper around the modification routines to make the input and output maps relative to the model. That it, the functions in the compartments expect the parameter names without the model name and they output maps without the model name, whereas the expected input and output of the functions of the model is with the full name. Args: compartments (list): the list of compartment models from which to get the extra sampling maps Returns: list: the list of extra sample routines taken from the compartment models. """ funcs = [] def get_wrapped_func(compartment_name, original_func): def prepend_compartment_name(results): return {'{}.{}'.format(compartment_name, key): value for key, value in results.items()} def wrapped_modifier(results): return prepend_compartment_name(original_func(CompartmentContextResults(compartment_name, results))) return wrapped_modifier for compartment in compartments: for func in compartment.get_extra_sampling_maps_funcs(): funcs.append(get_wrapped_func(, func)) return funcs
[docs]class CompartmentContextResults(collections.Mapping): def __init__(self, compartment_name, input_results): """Translates the original results to the context of a single compartment. This basically adds a wrapper around the input dictionary to make the keys relative to the compartment. Args: compartment_name (str): the name of the compartment we are making things relative for input_results (dict): the original input we want to make relative """ self._compartment_name = compartment_name self._input_results = input_results self._valid_keys = [key for key in self._input_results if key.startswith(self._compartment_name + '.')] def __getitem__(self, key): return self._input_results['{}.{}'.format(self._compartment_name, key)] def __len__(self): return len(self._valid_keys) def __iter__(self): return self._valid_keys
[docs]def parse_composite_model_expression(model_expression): """Parse the given model expression into a suitable model tree. Args: model_expression (str): the model expression string. Example:: model_expression = ''' S0 * ( (Weight(Wball) * Ball) + (Weight(Wstick) * Stick ) ) ''' If the model name is followed by parenthesis the string in parenthesis will represent the model's nickname. Returns: :class:`list`: the compartment model tree for use in composite models. """ class Semantics: def expr(self, ast): if not isinstance(ast, (list,tuple)): return ast if isinstance(ast, (list,tuple)): return ast[0], ast[2], ast[1] return ast def term(self, ast): if not isinstance(ast, (list,tuple)): return ast if isinstance(ast, list): return ast[0], ast[2], ast[1] return ast def factor(self, ast): if isinstance(ast, (list,tuple)): return ast[1] return ast def model(self, ast): if isinstance(ast, str): return get_component('compartment_models', ast)() else: return get_component('compartment_models', ast[0])(ast[2]) return _composite_model_expression_parser.parse(model_expression, semantics=Semantics())