Source code for mdt.component_templates.library_functions

from copy import deepcopy
from mdt.component_templates.base import ComponentBuilder, ComponentTemplate
from mot.lib.cl_function import SimpleCLFunction, SimpleCLCodeObject
from mdt.model_building.parameters import LibraryParameter
from mdt.lib.components import get_component
from mot.library_functions.base import CLLibrary

__author__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__date__ = "2017-02-14"
__maintainer__ = "Robbert Harms"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class LibraryFunctionsBuilder(ComponentBuilder): def _create_class(self, template): """Creates classes with as base class LibraryFunctionsBase Args: template (LibraryFunctionTemplate): the library config template to use for creating the library function """ if template.is_function: class AutoCreatedLibraryFunction(CLLibrary, SimpleCLFunction): def __init__(self): dependencies = _resolve_dependencies(template.dependencies) if template.cl_extra: extra_code = ''' #ifndef {inclusion_guard_name} #define {inclusion_guard_name} {cl_extra} #endif // {inclusion_guard_name} '''.format(inclusion_guard_name='INCLUDE_GUARD_{}_EXTRA'.format(, cl_extra=template.cl_extra) dependencies.append(SimpleCLCodeObject(extra_code)) super().__init__( template.return_type,, _resolve_parameters(template.parameters), template.cl_code, dependencies=dependencies) else: class AutoCreatedLibraryFunction(SimpleCLCodeObject): def __init__(self): str = '' if template.cl_extra is not None: str += template.cl_extra if template.cl_code is not None: str += template.cl_code cl_code = ''' #ifndef {inclusion_guard_name} #define {inclusion_guard_name} {cl_code} #endif // {inclusion_guard_name} '''.format(inclusion_guard_name='INCLUDE_GUARD_{}'.format(, cl_code=str) super().__init__(cl_code) for name, method in template.bound_methods.items(): setattr(AutoCreatedLibraryFunction, name, method) return AutoCreatedLibraryFunction
[docs]class LibraryFunctionTemplate(ComponentTemplate): """The library function config to inherit from. These configs are loaded on the fly by the LibraryFunctionsBuilder. Attributes: name (str): the name of the model, defaults to the class name description (str): model description return_type (str): the return type of the function, defaults to ``void`` parameters (list): the list of parameters to use. If a parameter is a string we will use it automatically, if not it is supposed to be a LibraryParameter instance that we append directly. cl_code (str): the CL code definition to use. cl_extra (str): auxiliary functions for the library, prepended to the generated CL function. dependencies (list): the list of functions this function depends on, can contain string which will be resolved as library functions. is_function (boolean): set to False to disable the automatic generation of a function signature. Use this for macro or typedef only libraries. """ _component_type = 'library_functions' _builder = LibraryFunctionsBuilder() name = '' description = '' return_type = 'void' parameters = [] cl_code = None cl_extra = None dependencies = [] is_function = True
def _resolve_dependencies(dependencies): """Resolve the dependency list such that the result contains all functions. Args: dependencies (list): the list of dependencies as given by the user. Elements can either include actual instances of :class:`~mot.library_functions.CLLibrary` or strings with the name of the component to auto-load. Returns: list: a new list with the string elements resolved as :class:`~mot.library_functions.CLLibrary`. """ result = [] for dependency in dependencies: if isinstance(dependency, str): result.append(get_component('library_functions', dependency)()) else: result.append(dependency) return result def _resolve_parameters(parameter_list): """Convert all the parameters in the given parameter list to actual parameter objects. This will load all the parameters as :class:`~mdt.model_building.parameters.LibraryParameter`. Args: parameter_list (list): a list containing a mix of either parameter objects or strings. If it is a parameter we add a copy of it to the return list. If it is a string we will autoload it. Returns: list: the list of actual parameter objects """ parameters = [] for item in parameter_list: if isinstance(item, str): parameters.append(LibraryParameter(item)) else: parameters.append(deepcopy(item)) return parameters