Source code for mdt.lib.log_handlers

"""Implements multiple handles that hook into the Python logging module.

These handlers can for example echo the log entry to the terminal, write it to a file or dispatch it to another class.
They are typically configured in the MDT configuration file.

import codecs
from logging import StreamHandler
import os
import sys

__author__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__date__ = "2015-08-19"
__maintainer__ = "Robbert Harms"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class ModelOutputLogHandler(StreamHandler): __instances__ = set() def __init__(self, mode='a', encoding=None): """This logger logs information about a model optimization to the folder of the model that is being optimized. It is by default (see the MDT configuration) already constructed and added to the logging module. To set a new file, or to disable this logger set the file using the :attr:`output_file` property. """ super().__init__() self.__class__.__instances__.add(self) if codecs is None: encoding = None self._output_file = None self.mode = mode self.encoding = encoding = None @property def output_file(self): return self._output_file @output_file.setter def output_file(self, output_file): self.close() self._output_file = output_file if self._output_file: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(self._output_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self._output_file)) self._open()
[docs] def emit(self, record): if self._output_file and super().emit(record)
[docs] def close(self): if self._output_file: self.acquire() try: if self.flush() if hasattr(, "close"): = None super().close() finally: self.release()
def _open(self): """ Open the current base file with the (original) mode and encoding. Return the resulting stream. """ if self._output_file: if self.encoding is None: = open(self._output_file, self.mode) else: =, self.mode, self.encoding)
[docs]class StdOutHandler(StreamHandler): def __init__(self, stream=None): """A redirect for stdout. Emits all log entries to the stdout. Args: stream: the IO stream to which to emit the log entries. If not given we use sys.stdout. """ stream = stream or sys.stdout super().__init__(stream=stream)
[docs] def emit(self, record): if super().emit(record)
[docs]class LogDispatchHandler(StreamHandler): _listeners = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """This class is able to dispatch messages to all the attached log listeners. You can add listeners by adding them to the list of listeners. This list is a class variable and as such is available to all instances and subclasses. The listeners should be of instance LogListenerInterface. This enables for example the GUI to hook a log listener indirectly into the logging module. In general only one copy of this class should be used. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def emit(self, record): for listener in self._listeners: listener.emit(record, self.format(record))
[docs] @staticmethod def add_listener(listener): """Add a listener to the dispatch handler. Args: listener (LogListenerInterface): listener that implements the log listener interface. Returns: int: the listener id number. You can use this to remove the listener again. """ listener_id = len(LogDispatchHandler._listeners) LogDispatchHandler._listeners.append(listener) return listener_id
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_listener(listener_id): """Remove a listener from the log dispatcher. Args: listener_id (int): the id of the listener to remove """ del LogDispatchHandler._listeners[listener_id]
[docs]class LogListenerInterface: """Interface for listeners to work in conjunction with :class:`LogDispatchHandler`"""
[docs] def emit(self, record, formatted_message): pass