Source code for mdt.lib.post_processing

"""This module contains various standard post-processing routines for use after optimization or sample."""
import numpy as np
from mdt.utils import tensor_spherical_to_cartesian, voxelwise_vector_matrix_vector_product, create_covariance_matrix, \
from mot.lib.utils import split_in_batches, parse_cl_function
from mot.lib.kernel_data import Array, Zeros, Scalar
from mdt.lib.components import get_component

__author__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__date__ = '2017-12-10'
__maintainer__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__email__ = ''
__licence__ = 'LGPL v3'

[docs]class DTIMeasures:
[docs] @staticmethod def extra_optimization_maps(results): """Return some interesting measures like FA, MD, RD and AD. This function is meant to be used as a post processing routine in Tensor-like compartment models. Args: results (dict): Dictionary containing at least theta, phi, psi, d, dperp0 and dperp1 We will use this to generate some standard measures from the diffusion Tensor. Returns: dict: as keys typical elements like 'FA and 'MD' as interesting output and as per values the maps. These maps are per voxel, and optionally per instance per voxel """ output = { 'FA': DTIMeasures.fractional_anisotropy(results['d'], results['dperp0'], results['dperp1']), 'MD': (results['d'] + results['dperp0'] + results['dperp1']) / 3., 'AD': results['d'], 'RD': (results['dperp0'] + results['dperp1']) / 2.0, } if all('{}.std'.format(el) in results for el in ['d', 'dperp0', 'dperp1']): output.update({ 'FA.std': DTIMeasures.fractional_anisotropy_std( results['d'], results['dperp0'], results['dperp1'], results['d.std'], results['dperp0.std'], results['dperp1.std'], covariances=results.get('covariances', None) ), 'MD.std': np.sqrt(results['d.std'] + results['dperp0.std'] + results['dperp1.std']) / 3., 'AD.std': results['d.std'], 'RD.std': (results['dperp0.std'] + results['dperp1.std']) / 2.0, }) if all(el in results for el in ['theta', 'phi', 'psi']): eigenvectors = tensor_spherical_to_cartesian(np.squeeze(results['theta']), np.squeeze(results['phi']), np.squeeze(results['psi'])) for ind in range(3): output.update({'vec{}'.format(ind): eigenvectors[ind]}) return output
[docs] @staticmethod def extra_sampling_maps(results): """Return some interesting measures derived from the samples. Please note that this function expects the result dictionary only with the parameter names, that is, it expects the elements ``d``, ``dperp0`` and ``dperp1`` to be present. Args: results (dict[str: ndarray]): a dictionary containing the samples for each of the parameters. Returns: dict: a set of additional maps with one value per voxel. """ items = [ ('MD', (results['d'] + results['dperp0'] + results['dperp1']) / 3.), ('FA', DTIMeasures.fractional_anisotropy(results['d'], results['dperp0'], results['dperp1'])), ('RD', (results['dperp0'] + results['dperp1']) / 2.0), ('AD', results['d']) ] results = {} for name, data in items: results.update({name: np.mean(data, axis=1), name + '.std': np.std(data, axis=1)}) return results
[docs] @staticmethod def fractional_anisotropy(d, dperp0, dperp1): """Calculate the fractional anisotropy (FA). Returns: ndarray: the fractional anisotropy for each voxel. """ def compute(d, dperp0, dperp1): d, dperp0, dperp1 = map(lambda el: np.squeeze(el).astype(np.float64), [d, dperp0, dperp1]) return np.sqrt(1 / 2.) * np.sqrt(((d - dperp0) ** 2 + (dperp0 - dperp1) ** 2 + (dperp1 - d) ** 2) / (d ** 2 + dperp0 ** 2 + dperp1 ** 2)) if len(d.shape) > 1 and d.shape[1] > 1: fa = np.zeros(d.shape[:2]) for batch_start, batch_end in split_in_batches(d.shape[1], max_batch_size=100): fa[:, batch_start:batch_end] = compute( d[:, batch_start:batch_end], dperp0[:, batch_start:batch_end], dperp1[:, batch_start:batch_end]) return fa else: return compute(d, dperp0, dperp1)
[docs] @staticmethod def fractional_anisotropy_std(d, dperp0, dperp1, d_std, dperp0_std, dperp1_std, covariances=None): """Calculate the standard deviation of the fractional anisotropy (FA) using error propagation. Args: d (ndarray): an 1d array dperp0 (ndarray): an 1d array dperp1 (ndarray): an 1d array d_std (ndarray): an 1d array dperp0_std (ndarray): an 1d array dperp1_std (ndarray): an 1d array covariances (dict): optionally, a matrix holding the covariances. This expects the keys to be like: '<param_0>_to_<param_1>'. The order of the parameter names does not matter. Returns: ndarray: the standard deviation of the fraction anisotropy using error propagation of the diffusivities. """ gradient = DTIMeasures._get_fractional_anisotropy_gradient(d, dperp0, dperp1) covars = create_covariance_matrix( d.shape[0], {'d.std': d_std, 'dperp0.std': dperp0_std, 'dperp1.std': dperp1_std}, ['d', 'dperp0', 'dperp1'], covariances) return np.nan_to_num(np.sqrt(voxelwise_vector_matrix_vector_product(gradient, covars, gradient)))
@staticmethod def _get_fractional_anisotropy_gradient(d, dperp0, dperp1): """Get the gradient of the Fractional Anisotropy function. This returns the gradient of the Fractional Anisotropy (FA) function, evaluated at the given diffusivities. This is required for error propagating the uncertainties of the diffusivities into FA. The gradient is given by the partial derivative of: .. math:: \text{FA} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}} \frac{\sqrt{(d - d_{\perp_0})^2 + (d_{\perp_0} - d_{\perp_1})^2 + (d_{\perp_1} - d)^2}}{\sqrt{d^2 + d_{\perp_0}^2 + d_{\perp_1}^2}} Args: d (ndarray): an 1d vector with the principal diffusivity per voxel dperp0 (ndarray): an 1d vector with the first perpendicular diffusivity per voxel dperp1 (ndarray): an 1d vector with the second perpendicular diffusivity per voxel Returns: ndarray: a 2d vector with the gradient per voxel. """ np.warnings.simplefilter("ignore") d, dperp0, dperp1 = (np.squeeze(el).astype(np.float64) for el in [d, dperp0, dperp1]) gradient = np.stack([ (d ** 2 * (dperp0 + dperp1) + 2 * d * dperp0 * dperp1 - dperp0 ** 3 - dperp0 ** 2 * dperp1 - dperp0 * dperp1 ** 2 - dperp1 ** 3) / (2 * (d ** 2 + dperp0 ** 2 + dperp1 ** 2) ** (3 / 2.) * np.sqrt(d ** 2 - d * (dperp0 + dperp1) + dperp0 ** 2 - dperp0 * dperp1 + dperp1 ** 2)), (-d ** 3 - d ** 2 * dperp1 + d * (dperp0 ** 2 + 2 * dperp0 * dperp1 - dperp1 ** 2) + dperp1 * ( dperp0 ** 2 - dperp1 ** 2)) / (2 * (d ** 2 + dperp0 ** 2 + dperp1 ** 2) ** (3 / 2.) * np.sqrt(d ** 2 - d * (dperp0 + dperp1) + dperp0 ** 2 - dperp0 * dperp1 + dperp1 ** 2)), (-d ** 3 - d ** 2 * dperp0 + d * ( -dperp0 ** 2 + 2 * dperp0 * dperp1 + dperp1 ** 2) - dperp0 ** 3 + dperp0 * dperp1 ** 2) / (2 * (d ** 2 + dperp0 ** 2 + dperp1 ** 2) ** (3 / 2.) * np.sqrt(d ** 2 - d * (dperp0 + dperp1) + dperp0 ** 2 - dperp0 * dperp1 + dperp1 ** 2)) ], axis=-1) if len(gradient.shape) < 2: return gradient[None, :] return gradient @staticmethod def _sort_eigensystem(parameters_dict): """Sort the eigensystem of the Tensor parameterized by eigen values and vectors. Args: parameters_dict (dict): the results from optimization. This expects each value to be a (n, ...) array with for each voxel either a scalar or a vector. Returns: tuple: the sorted eigenvalues, """ eigenvectors = np.stack(tensor_spherical_to_cartesian(np.squeeze(parameters_dict['theta']), np.squeeze(parameters_dict['phi']), np.squeeze(parameters_dict['psi'])), axis=0) eigenvalues = np.atleast_2d(np.squeeze(np.dstack([parameters_dict['d'], parameters_dict['dperp0'], parameters_dict['dperp1']]))) ranking = np.atleast_2d(np.squeeze(np.argsort(eigenvalues, axis=1, kind='mergesort')[:, ::-1])) voxels_range = np.arange(ranking.shape[0]) sorted_eigenvalues = np.concatenate([eigenvalues[voxels_range, ranking[:, ind], None] for ind in range(ranking.shape[1])], axis=1) sorted_eigenvectors = np.stack([eigenvectors[ranking[:, ind], voxels_range, :] for ind in range(ranking.shape[1])]) return sorted_eigenvalues, sorted_eigenvectors, ranking
[docs]class DKIMeasures:
[docs] @staticmethod def extra_optimization_maps(parameters_dict): """Calculate DKI statistics like the mean, axial and radial kurtosis. The Mean Kurtosis (MK) is calculated by averaging the Kurtosis over orientations on the unit sphere. The Axial Kurtosis (AK) is obtained using the principal direction of diffusion (fe; first eigenvec) from the Tensor as its direction and then averaging the Kurtosis over +fe and -fe. Finally, the Radial Kurtosis (RK) is calculated by averaging the Kurtosis over a circle of directions around the first eigenvec. Args: parameters_dict (dict): the fitted Kurtosis parameters, this requires a dictionary with at least the elements: 'd', 'dperp0', 'dperp1', 'theta', 'phi', 'psi', 'W_0000', 'W_1000', 'W_1100', 'W_1110', 'W_1111', 'W_2000', 'W_2100', 'W_2110', 'W_2111', 'W_2200', 'W_2210', 'W_2211', 'W_2220', 'W_2221', 'W_2222'. Returns: dict: maps for the Mean Kurtosis (MK), Axial Kurtosis (AK) and Radial Kurtosis (RK). """ param_names = ['d', 'dperp0', 'dperp1', 'theta', 'phi', 'psi', 'W_0000', 'W_1000', 'W_1100', 'W_1110', 'W_1111', 'W_2000', 'W_2100', 'W_2110', 'W_2111', 'W_2200', 'W_2210', 'W_2211', 'W_2220', 'W_2221', 'W_2222'] parameters = np.column_stack([parameters_dict[n] for n in param_names]) nmr_voxels = parameters.shape[0] kernel_data = {'parameters': Array(parameters, ctype='mot_float_type'), 'directions': Array(DKIMeasures._get_spherical_samples(), ctype='float4', parallelize_over_first_dimension=False), 'nmr_directions': Scalar(DKIMeasures._get_spherical_samples().shape[0]), 'nmr_radial_directions': Scalar(256), 'mks': Zeros((nmr_voxels,), ctype='float'), 'aks': Zeros((nmr_voxels,), ctype='float'), 'rks': Zeros((nmr_voxels,), ctype='float')} DKIMeasures._get_compute_function(param_names).evaluate(kernel_data, nmr_voxels) return {'MK': kernel_data['mks'].get_data(), 'AK': kernel_data['aks'].get_data(), 'RK': kernel_data['rks'].get_data()}
@staticmethod def _get_compute_function(param_names): def get_param_cl_ref(param_name): return 'parameters[{}]'.format(param_names.index(param_name)) param_expansions = ['mot_float_type {} = params[{}];'.format(name, ind) for ind, name in enumerate(param_names)] return parse_cl_function(''' double apparent_kurtosis( global mot_float_type* params, float4 direction, float4 vec0, float4 vec1, float4 vec2){ ''' + '\n'.join(param_expansions) + ''' double adc = d * pown(dot(vec0, direction), 2) + dperp0 * pown(dot(vec1, direction), 2) + dperp1 * pown(dot(vec2, direction), 2); double tensor_md = (d + dperp0 + dperp1) / 3.0; double kurtosis_sum = KurtosisMultiplication( W_0000, W_1111, W_2222, W_1000, W_2000, W_1110, W_2220, W_2111, W_2221, W_1100, W_2200, W_2211, W_2100, W_2110, W_2210, direction); return pown(tensor_md / adc, 2) * kurtosis_sum; } void get_principal_and_perpendicular_eigenvector( mot_float_type d, mot_float_type dperp0, mot_float_type dperp1, float4* vec0, float4* vec1, float4* vec2, float4** principal_vec, float4** perpendicular_vec){ if(d >= dperp0 && d >= dperp1){ *principal_vec = vec0; *perpendicular_vec = vec1; } if(dperp0 >= d && dperp0 >= dperp1){ *principal_vec = vec1; *perpendicular_vec = vec0; } *principal_vec = vec2; *perpendicular_vec = vec0; } void calculate_measures(global mot_float_type* parameters, global float4* directions, uint nmr_directions, uint nmr_radial_directions, global float* mks, global float* aks, global float* rks){ int i, j; float4 vec0, vec1, vec2; TensorSphericalToCartesian( ''' + get_param_cl_ref('theta') + ''', ''' + get_param_cl_ref('phi') + ''', ''' + get_param_cl_ref('psi') + ''', &vec0, &vec1, &vec2); float4* principal_vec; float4* perpendicular_vec; get_principal_and_perpendicular_eigenvector( ''' + get_param_cl_ref('d') + ''', ''' + get_param_cl_ref('dperp0') + ''', ''' + get_param_cl_ref('dperp1') + ''', &vec0, &vec1, &vec2, &principal_vec, &perpendicular_vec); // Mean Kurtosis integrated over a set of directions double mean = 0; for(i = 0; i < nmr_directions; i++){ mean += apparent_kurtosis(parameters, directions[i], vec0, vec1, vec2); } *(mks) = clamp(mean / nmr_directions, 0.0, 3.0); // Axial Kurtosis over the principal direction of diffusion *(aks) = clamp(apparent_kurtosis(parameters, *principal_vec, vec0, vec1, vec2), 0.0, 10.0); // Radial Kurtosis integrated over a unit circle around the principal eigenvector. mean = 0; float4 rotated_vec; for(i = 0; i < nmr_radial_directions; i++){ rotated_vec = RotateOrthogonalVector(*principal_vec, *perpendicular_vec, i * (2 * M_PI_F) / nmr_radial_directions); mean += (apparent_kurtosis(parameters, rotated_vec, vec0, vec1, vec2) - mean) / (i + 1); } *(rks) = max(mean, 0.0); } ''', dependencies=[get_component('library_functions', 'RotateOrthogonalVector')(), get_component('library_functions', 'TensorSphericalToCartesian')(), get_component('library_functions', 'KurtosisMultiplication')()]) @staticmethod def _get_spherical_samples(): """Get a number of 3d coordinates mapping an unit sphere. List taken from "dki_parameters.m" by Jelle Veraart ( Returns: ndarray: a list of 3d coordinates mapping an unit sphere. """ return np.array([[0, 0, 1.0000], [0.5924, 0, 0.8056], [-0.7191, -0.1575, -0.6768], [-0.9151, -0.3479, 0.2040], [0.5535, 0.2437, 0.7964], [-0.0844, 0.9609, -0.2636], [0.9512, -0.3015, 0.0651], [-0.4225, 0.8984, 0.1202], [0.5916, -0.6396, 0.4909], [0.3172, 0.8818, -0.3489], [-0.1988, -0.6687, 0.7164], [-0.2735, 0.3047, -0.9123], [0.9714, -0.1171, 0.2066], [-0.5215, -0.4013, 0.7530], [-0.3978, -0.9131, -0.0897], [0.2680, 0.8196, 0.5063], [-0.6824, -0.6532, -0.3281], [0.4748, -0.7261, -0.4973], [0.4504, -0.4036, 0.7964], [-0.5551, -0.8034, -0.2153], [0.0455, -0.2169, 0.9751], [0.0483, 0.5845, 0.8099], [-0.1909, -0.1544, -0.9694], [0.8383, 0.5084, 0.1969], [-0.2464, 0.1148, 0.9623], [-0.7458, 0.6318, 0.2114], [-0.0080, -0.9831, -0.1828], [-0.2630, 0.5386, -0.8005], [-0.0507, 0.6425, -0.7646], [0.4476, -0.8877, 0.1081], [-0.5627, 0.7710, 0.2982], [-0.3790, 0.7774, -0.5020], [-0.6217, 0.4586, -0.6350], [-0.1506, 0.8688, -0.4718], [-0.4579, 0.2131, 0.8631], [-0.8349, -0.2124, 0.5077], [0.7682, -0.1732, -0.6163], [0.0997, -0.7168, -0.6901], [0.0386, -0.2146, -0.9759], [0.9312, 0.1655, -0.3249], [0.9151, 0.3053, 0.2634], [0.8081, 0.5289, -0.2593], [-0.3632, -0.9225, 0.1305], [0.2709, -0.3327, -0.9033], [-0.1942, -0.9790, -0.0623], [0.6302, -0.7641, 0.1377], [-0.6948, -0.3137, 0.6471], [-0.6596, -0.6452, 0.3854], [-0.9454, 0.2713, 0.1805], [-0.2586, -0.7957, 0.5477], [-0.3576, 0.6511, 0.6695], [-0.8490, -0.5275, 0.0328], [0.3830, 0.2499, -0.8893], [0.8804, -0.2392, -0.4095], [0.4321, -0.4475, -0.7829], [-0.5821, -0.1656, 0.7961], [0.3963, 0.6637, 0.6344], [-0.7222, -0.6855, -0.0929], [0.2130, -0.9650, -0.1527], [0.4737, 0.7367, -0.4825], [-0.9956, 0.0891, 0.0278], [-0.5178, 0.7899, -0.3287], [-0.8906, 0.1431, -0.4317], [0.2431, -0.9670, 0.0764], [-0.6812, -0.3807, -0.6254], [-0.1091, -0.5141, 0.8507], [-0.2206, 0.7274, -0.6498], [0.8359, 0.2674, 0.4794], [0.9873, 0.1103, 0.1147], [0.7471, 0.0659, -0.6615], [0.6119, -0.2508, 0.7502], [-0.6191, 0.0776, 0.7815], [0.7663, -0.4739, 0.4339], [-0.5699, 0.5369, 0.6220], [0.0232, -0.9989, 0.0401], [0.0671, -0.4207, -0.9047], [-0.2145, 0.5538, 0.8045], [0.8554, -0.4894, 0.1698], [-0.7912, -0.4194, 0.4450], [-0.2341, 0.0754, -0.9693], [-0.7725, 0.6346, -0.0216], [0.0228, 0.7946, -0.6067], [0.7461, -0.3966, -0.5348], [-0.4045, -0.0837, -0.9107], [-0.4364, 0.6084, -0.6629], [0.6177, -0.3175, -0.7195], [-0.4301, -0.0198, 0.9026], [-0.1489, -0.9706, 0.1892], [0.0879, 0.9070, -0.4117], [-0.7764, -0.4707, -0.4190], [0.9850, 0.1352, -0.1073], [-0.1581, -0.3154, 0.9357], [0.8938, -0.3246, 0.3096], [0.8358, -0.4464, -0.3197], [0.4943, 0.4679, 0.7327], [-0.3095, 0.9015, -0.3024], [-0.3363, -0.8942, -0.2956], [-0.1271, -0.9274, -0.3519], [0.3523, -0.8717, -0.3407], [0.7188, -0.6321, 0.2895], [-0.7447, 0.0924, -0.6610], [0.1622, 0.7186, 0.6762], [-0.9406, -0.0829, -0.3293], [-0.1229, 0.9204, 0.3712], [-0.8802, 0.4668, 0.0856], [-0.2062, -0.1035, 0.9730], [-0.4861, -0.7586, -0.4338], [-0.6138, 0.7851, 0.0827], [0.8476, 0.0504, 0.5282], [0.3236, 0.4698, -0.8213], [-0.7053, -0.6935, 0.1473], [0.1511, 0.3778, 0.9135], [0.6011, 0.5847, 0.5448], [0.3610, 0.3183, 0.8766], [0.9432, 0.3304, 0.0341], [0.2423, -0.8079, -0.5372], [0.4431, -0.1578, 0.8825], [0.6204, 0.5320, -0.5763], [-0.2806, -0.5376, -0.7952], [-0.5279, -0.8071, 0.2646], [-0.4214, -0.6159, 0.6656], [0.6759, -0.5995, -0.4288], [0.5670, 0.8232, -0.0295], [-0.0874, 0.4284, -0.8994], [0.8780, -0.0192, -0.4782], [0.0166, 0.8421, 0.5391], [-0.7741, 0.2931, -0.5610], [0.9636, -0.0579, -0.2611], [0, 0, -1.0000], [-0.5924, 0, -0.8056], [0.7191, 0.1575, 0.6768], [0.9151, 0.3479, -0.2040], [-0.5535, -0.2437, -0.7964], [0.0844, -0.9609, 0.2636], [-0.9512, 0.3015, -0.0651], [0.4225, -0.8984, -0.1202], [-0.5916, 0.6396, -0.4909], [-0.3172, -0.8818, 0.3489], [0.1988, 0.6687, -0.7164], [0.2735, -0.3047, 0.9123], [-0.9714, 0.1171, -0.2066], [0.5215, 0.4013, -0.7530], [0.3978, 0.9131, 0.0897], [-0.2680, -0.8196, -0.5063], [0.6824, 0.6532, 0.3281], [-0.4748, 0.7261, 0.4973], [-0.4504, 0.4036, -0.7964], [0.5551, 0.8034, 0.2153], [-0.0455, 0.2169, -0.9751], [-0.0483, -0.5845, -0.8099], [0.1909, 0.1544, 0.9694], [-0.8383, -0.5084, -0.1969], [0.2464, -0.1148, -0.9623], [0.7458, -0.6318, -0.2114], [0.0080, 0.9831, 0.1828], [0.2630, -0.5386, 0.8005], [0.0507, -0.6425, 0.7646], [-0.4476, 0.8877, -0.1081], [0.5627, -0.7710, -0.2982], [0.3790, -0.7774, 0.5020], [0.6217, -0.4586, 0.6350], [0.1506, -0.8688, 0.4718], [0.4579, -0.2131, -0.8631], [0.8349, 0.2124, -0.5077], [-0.7682, 0.1732, 0.6163], [-0.0997, 0.7168, 0.6901], [-0.0386, 0.2146, 0.9759], [-0.9312, -0.1655, 0.3249], [-0.9151, -0.3053, -0.2634], [-0.8081, -0.5289, 0.2593], [0.3632, 0.9225, -0.1305], [-0.2709, 0.3327, 0.9033], [0.1942, 0.9790, 0.0623], [-0.6302, 0.7641, -0.1377], [0.6948, 0.3137, -0.6471], [0.6596, 0.6452, -0.3854], [0.9454, -0.2713, -0.1805], [0.2586, 0.7957, -0.5477], [0.3576, -0.6511, -0.6695], [0.8490, 0.5275, -0.0328], [-0.3830, -0.2499, 0.8893], [-0.8804, 0.2392, 0.4095], [-0.4321, 0.4475, 0.7829], [0.5821, 0.1656, -0.7961], [-0.3963, -0.6637, -0.6344], [0.7222, 0.6855, 0.0929], [-0.2130, 0.9650, 0.1527], [-0.4737, -0.7367, 0.4825], [0.9956, -0.0891, -0.0278], [0.5178, -0.7899, 0.3287], [0.8906, -0.1431, 0.4317], [-0.2431, 0.9670, -0.0764], [0.6812, 0.3807, 0.6254], [0.1091, 0.5141, -0.8507], [0.2206, -0.7274, 0.6498], [-0.8359, -0.2674, -0.4794], [-0.9873, -0.1103, -0.1147], [-0.7471, -0.0659, 0.6615], [-0.6119, 0.2508, -0.7502], [0.6191, -0.0776, -0.7815], [-0.7663, 0.4739, -0.4339], [0.5699, -0.5369, -0.6220], [-0.0232, 0.9989, -0.0401], [-0.0671, 0.4207, 0.9047], [0.2145, -0.5538, -0.8045], [-0.8554, 0.4894, -0.1698], [0.7912, 0.4194, -0.4450], [0.2341, -0.0754, 0.9693], [0.7725, -0.6346, 0.0216], [-0.0228, -0.7946, 0.6067], [-0.7461, 0.3966, 0.5348], [0.4045, 0.0837, 0.9107], [0.4364, -0.6084, 0.6629], [-0.6177, 0.3175, 0.7195], [0.4301, 0.0198, -0.9026], [0.1489, 0.9706, -0.1892], [-0.0879, -0.9070, 0.4117], [0.7764, 0.4707, 0.4190], [-0.9850, -0.1352, 0.1073], [0.1581, 0.3154, -0.9357], [-0.8938, 0.3246, -0.3096], [-0.8358, 0.4464, 0.3197], [-0.4943, -0.4679, -0.7327], [0.3095, -0.9015, 0.3024], [0.3363, 0.8942, 0.2956], [0.1271, 0.9274, 0.3519], [-0.3523, 0.8717, 0.3407], [-0.7188, 0.6321, -0.2895], [0.7447, -0.0924, 0.6610], [-0.1622, -0.7186, -0.6762], [0.9406, 0.0829, 0.3293], [0.1229, -0.9204, -0.3712], [0.8802, -0.4668, -0.0856], [0.2062, 0.1035, -0.9730], [0.4861, 0.7586, 0.4338], [0.6138, -0.7851, -0.0827], [-0.8476, -0.0504, -0.5282], [-0.3236, -0.4698, 0.8213], [0.7053, 0.6935, -0.1473], [-0.1511, -0.3778, -0.9135], [-0.6011, -0.5847, -0.5448], [-0.3610, -0.3183, -0.8766], [-0.9432, -0.3304, -0.0341], [-0.2423, 0.8079, 0.5372], [-0.4431, 0.1578, -0.8825], [-0.6204, -0.5320, 0.5763], [0.2806, 0.5376, 0.7952], [0.5279, 0.8071, -0.2646], [0.4214, 0.6159, -0.6656], [-0.6759, 0.5995, 0.4288], [-0.5670, -0.8232, 0.0295], [0.0874, -0.4284, 0.8994], [-0.8780, 0.0192, 0.4782], [-0.0166, -0.8421, -0.5391], [0.7741, -0.2931, 0.5610], [-0.9636, 0.0579, 0.2611]])
[docs]class NODDIMeasures:
[docs] @staticmethod def noddi_watson_extra_optimization_maps(results): """Computes the NDI and ODI for the NODDI Watson model""" return {'NDI': results['w_ic.w'] / (results['w_ic.w'] + results['w_ec.w']), 'ODI': np.arctan2(1.0, results['NODDI_IC.kappa']) * 2 / np.pi}
[docs] @staticmethod def noddi_watson_extra_sampling_maps(results): """Computes the NDI and ODI per sample and average over the derived values.""" ndi = results['w_ic.w'] / (results['w_ic.w'] + results['w_ec.w']) odi = np.arctan2(1.0, results['NODDI_IC.kappa']) * 2 / np.pi return {'NDI': np.mean(ndi, axis=1), 'NDI.std': np.std(ndi, axis=1), 'ODI': np.mean(odi, axis=1), 'ODI.std': np.std(odi, axis=1)}
[docs] @staticmethod def noddi_bingham_extra_optimization_maps(results): """Computes the ODI's and Dispersion Anisotropic Index (DAI) for the NODDI Bingham model""" def compute(ind, kappa, beta): return {'ODI_p{}'.format(ind): np.arctan2(1.0, kappa - beta) * 2 / np.pi, 'ODI_s{}'.format(ind): np.arctan2(1.0, kappa) * 2 / np.pi, 'ODI{}'.format(ind): np.arctan2(1.0, np.sqrt(np.abs(kappa * (kappa - beta)))) * 2 / np.pi, 'DAI{}'.format(ind): np.arctan2(beta, kappa - beta) * 2 / np.pi} output = {} for ind in range(2): if 'BinghamNODDI_IN{}.k1'.format(ind) in results: output.update(compute( ind, results['BinghamNODDI_IN{}.k1'.format(ind)], results['BinghamNODDI_IN{}.k1'.format(ind)] / results['BinghamNODDI_IN{}.kw'.format(ind)])) return output
[docs] @staticmethod def noddi_bingham_extra_sampling_maps(results): """Computes the ODI's and Dispersion Anisotropic Index (DAI) for the NODDI Bingham model. This computes the indices per sample and takes the mean and std. over that. """ def compute(ind, kappa, beta): odi_p = np.arctan2(1.0, kappa - beta) * 2 / np.pi odi_s = np.arctan2(1.0, kappa) * 2 / np.pi odi = np.arctan2(1.0, np.sqrt(np.abs(kappa * (kappa - beta)))) * 2 / np.pi dai = np.arctan2(beta, kappa - beta) * 2 / np.pi return {'ODI_p{}'.format(ind): np.mean(odi_p, axis=1), 'ODI_p{}.std'.format(ind): np.std(odi_p, axis=1), 'ODI_s{}'.format(ind): np.mean(odi_s, axis=1), 'ODI_s{}.std'.format(ind): np.std(odi_s, axis=1), 'ODI{}'.format(ind): np.mean(odi, axis=1), 'ODI{}.std'.format(ind): np.std(odi, axis=1), 'DAI{}'.format(ind): np.mean(dai, axis=1), 'DAI{}.std'.format(ind): np.std(dai, axis=1)} output = {} for ind in range(2): if 'BinghamNODDI_IN{}.k1'.format(ind) in results: output.update(compute( ind, results['BinghamNODDI_IN{}.k1'.format(ind)], results['BinghamNODDI_IN{}.k1'.format(ind)] / results['BinghamNODDI_IN{}.kw'.format(ind)])) return output
[docs]def noddi_dti_maps(results): """Compute NODDI-like statistics from Tensor/Kurtosis parameter fits. This uses :func:`mdt.utils.compute_noddi_dti` for the computation, see there for more information. Args: results (mdt.models.composite.ExtraOptimizationMapsInfo): the results data, should contain at least: - d (ndarray): principal diffusivity - dperp0 (ndarray): primary perpendicular diffusion - dperp1 (ndarray): primary perpendicular diffusion And, if present, we also use these: - FA (ndarray): if computed already, the Fractional Anisotropy of the given diffusivities - MD (ndarray): if computed already, the Mean Diffusivity of the given diffusivities - MK (ndarray): if computing for Kurtosis, the computed Mean Kurtosis. If not given, we assume unity. Returns: dict: maps for the the NODDI-DTI, NDI and ODI measures. """ return compute_noddi_dti(results.model, results.input_data, results.results, noddi_d=1.7e-9)