Source code for mdt.model_building.model_functions

from mot.lib.cl_function import CLFunction, SimpleCLFunction
from .parameter_functions.numdiff_info import SimpleNumDiffInfo
from .parameters import FreeParameter
from .parameter_functions.priors import UniformWithinBoundsPrior
from .parameter_functions.transformations import CosSqrClampTransform

__author__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__date__ = "2016-10-03"
__maintainer__ = "Robbert Harms"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class ModelCLFunction(CLFunction): """Extends a CLFunction with modeling information.""" @property def name(self): """Get the name of this model function. Returns: str: The name of this model function. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_free_parameters(self): """Get all the free parameters in this model Returns: list of CLFunctionParameter: list of all the model parameters of type FreeParameter in this model """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_prior_parameters(self, parameter): """Get the prior parameters of the given parameter. Args: parameter (FreeParameter): one of the parameters of this model function Returns: list of parameters: the list of prior parameters for the given parameter """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_model_function_priors(self): """Get all the model function priors. Returns: list of mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction: the priors for this model function, these are supposed to be used in conjunction to the parameter priors. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class SimpleModelCLFunction(ModelCLFunction, SimpleCLFunction): def __init__(self, return_type, cl_function_name, parameters, cl_body, dependencies=None, model_function_priors=None): """A default implementation of a This CL function is for all estimable models Args: return_type (str): the CL return type of the function cl_function_name (string): The name of the CL function parameters (list or tuple of CLFunctionParameter): The list of parameters required for this function cl_body (str): the cl body of this function dependencies (list or tuple of CLFunction): The list of CL libraries this function depends on model_function_priors (list of mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction): list of priors concerning this whole model function. The parameter names of the given functions must match those of this function. """ super().__init__(return_type, cl_function_name, parameters, cl_body, dependencies=dependencies) self._model_function_priors = model_function_priors or [] if isinstance(self._model_function_priors, CLFunction): self._model_function_priors = [self._model_function_priors] @property def name(self): """Get the name of this model function, used in the composite model function Returns: str: The name of this model function. """ return self.get_cl_function_name()
[docs] def get_model_function_priors(self): """Get all the model function priors. Returns: list[mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction]: the priors for this model function, these are supposed to be used in conjunction to the parameter priors. """ return self._model_function_priors
[docs] def get_free_parameters(self): """Get all the free parameters in this model Returns: list: the list of free parameters in this model """ return list([p for p in self.get_parameters() if isinstance(p, FreeParameter)])
[docs] def get_prior_parameters(self, parameter): """Get the parameters referred to by the priors of each of the free parameters. This returns a list of all the parameters referenced by the priors of the parameters, recursively. Returns: list of mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunctionParameter: the list of additional parameters used by each of the parameter priors """ def get_prior_parameters(params): return_params = [] for param in params: prior_params = param.sampling_prior.get_extra_parameters() proxy_prior_params = [prior_param.get_renamed('{}.prior.{}'.format(, for prior_param in prior_params] return_params.extend(proxy_prior_params) free_prior_params = [p for p in proxy_prior_params if isinstance(p, FreeParameter)] return_params.extend(get_prior_parameters(free_prior_params)) return return_params return get_prior_parameters([parameter])
[docs]class WeightType(SimpleModelCLFunction): """A class that defines the notion of a weighted compartment. Some of the code checks for this class type, be sure to subclass this class if you want to represent a Weight. """
[docs]class SimpleWeight(WeightType): def __init__(self, name='Weight', param_name='w', value=0.5, lower_bound=0.0, upper_bound=1.0, parameter_kwargs=None): """A class that by itself defines the notion of a Weight. Some of the code checks for type Weight, be sure to use this model function if you want to represent a Weight. A weight is meant to be a model volume fraction. Args: name (str): The name of the model value (number or ndarray): The initial value for the single free parameter of this function. lower_bound (number or ndarray): The initial lower bound for the single free parameter of this function. upper_bound (number or ndarray): The initial upper bound for the single free parameter of this function. """ parameter_settings = dict(parameter_transform=CosSqrClampTransform(), sampling_proposal_std=0.01, sampling_prior=UniformWithinBoundsPrior(), numdiff_info=SimpleNumDiffInfo(scale_factor=10) ) parameter_settings.update(parameter_kwargs or {}) super().__init__( 'mot_float_type', name, (FreeParameter('mot_float_type ' + param_name, False, value, lower_bound, upper_bound, **parameter_settings),), 'return ' + param_name + ';')