Source code for mdt.model_building.parameter_functions.transformations

import numpy as np

__author__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__date__ = "2014-06-20"
__license__ = "LGPL v3"
__maintainer__ = "Robbert Harms"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class AbstractTransformation: """The transformations define the encode and decode operations needed to build a codec. These objects define the transformation to and from model and optimization space. """
[docs] def get_cl_encode(self): """Get the CL encode assignment constructor Returns AssignmentConstructor: The cl code assignment constructor for encoding the parameter. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_cl_decode(self): """Get the CL decode assignment constructor Returns: AssignmentConstructor: The cl code assignment constructor for decoding the parameter. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def encode_bounds(self, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): """Encode the given bounds into the encoded parameter space. Args: lower_bounds (floar or ndarray): either a single bound, or per voxel a bound upper_bounds (floar or ndarray): either a single bound, or per voxel a bound Returns: tuple: the transformed lower and upper bounds, same shape as inputs """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class AssignmentConstructor:
[docs] def create_assignment(self, parameter_variable, lower_bound, upper_bound): """Create the assignment string. Args: parameter_variable (str): the name of the parameter variable holding the current value in the kernel lower_bound (str): the value or the name of the variable holding the value for the lower bound upper_bound (str): the value or the name of the variable holding the value for the upper bound Returns: str: the transformation assignment """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class FormatAssignmentConstructor(AssignmentConstructor): def __init__(self, assignment): """Assignment constructor that formats the given assignment template. This expects that the assignment string has elements like: * ``{parameter_variable}``: for the parameter variable * ``{lower_bound}``: for the lower bound * ``{upper_bound}``: for the upper bound Args: assignment (str): the string containing the assignment template. """ self._assignment = assignment
[docs] def create_assignment(self, parameter_variable, lower_bound, upper_bound): assignment = self._assignment.replace('{parameter_variable}', parameter_variable) assignment = assignment.replace('{lower_bound}', str(lower_bound)) assignment = assignment.replace('{upper_bound}', str(upper_bound)) return assignment
[docs]class IdentityTransform(AbstractTransformation): """The identity transform does no transformation and returns the input given."""
[docs] def get_cl_encode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('{parameter_variable}')
[docs] def get_cl_decode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('{parameter_variable}')
[docs] def encode_bounds(self, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): return lower_bounds, upper_bounds
[docs]class PositivityTransform(AbstractTransformation): """Restrain the parameter to the positive values, i.e. returns ``max(x, 0)``."""
[docs] def get_cl_encode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('max({parameter_variable}, (mot_float_type)0)')
[docs] def get_cl_decode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('max({parameter_variable}, (mot_float_type)0)')
[docs] def encode_bounds(self, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): return np.ones_like(lower_bounds) * -np.inf, upper_bounds
[docs]class ClampTransform(AbstractTransformation): """The clamp transformation limits the parameter between its lower and upper bound using the clamp function."""
[docs] def get_cl_encode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('clamp((mot_float_type){parameter_variable}, ' '(mot_float_type){lower_bound}, ' '(mot_float_type){upper_bound})')
[docs] def get_cl_decode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('clamp((mot_float_type){parameter_variable}, ' '(mot_float_type){lower_bound}, ' '(mot_float_type){upper_bound})')
[docs] def encode_bounds(self, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): return np.ones_like(lower_bounds) * -np.inf, np.ones_like(lower_bounds) * np.inf
[docs]class ScaleClampTransform(AbstractTransformation): def __init__(self, scale): """Clamps the value to the given bounds and applies a scaling to bring the parameters in sensible ranges. To encode, the parameter value is multiplied by the scaling factor. To decode, it is divided by the scaling factor. Args: scale (float): the scaling factor by which to scale the parameter """ super().__init__() self._scale = scale
[docs] def get_cl_encode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('clamp((mot_float_type){parameter_variable}, ' '(mot_float_type){lower_bound}, ' '(mot_float_type){upper_bound}) * ' + str(self._scale))
[docs] def get_cl_decode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('clamp((mot_float_type){parameter_variable} / ' + str(self._scale) + ', ' '(mot_float_type){lower_bound}, ' '(mot_float_type){upper_bound})')
[docs] def encode_bounds(self, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): return np.ones_like(lower_bounds) * -np.inf, np.ones_like(lower_bounds) * np.inf
[docs]class ScaleTransform(AbstractTransformation): def __init__(self, scale): """Applies a scaling to bring the parameters in sensible ranges. To encode, the parameter value is multiplied by the scaling factor. To decode, it is divided by the scaling factor. Args: scale (float): the scaling factor by which to scale the parameter """ super().__init__() self._scale = scale
[docs] def get_cl_encode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('{parameter_variable} * ' + str(self._scale))
[docs] def get_cl_decode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('{parameter_variable} / ' + str(self._scale))
[docs] def encode_bounds(self, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): return lower_bounds * self._scale, upper_bounds * self._scale
[docs]class CosSqrClampTransform(AbstractTransformation): """The clamp transformation limits the parameter between its lower and upper bound using a cos(sqr()) transform."""
[docs] def get_cl_encode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor( 'acos(clamp((mot_float_type)sqrt(fabs( ({parameter_variable} - {lower_bound}) / ' ' ({upper_bound} - {lower_bound}) )), ' ' (mot_float_type)0, (mot_float_type)1))')
[docs] def get_cl_decode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('pown(cos({parameter_variable}), 2) * ' + '({upper_bound} - {lower_bound}) + {lower_bound}')
[docs] def encode_bounds(self, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): return np.ones_like(lower_bounds) * -np.inf, np.ones_like(upper_bounds) * np.inf
[docs]class SinSqrClampTransform(AbstractTransformation): """The clamp transformation limits the parameter between its lower and upper bound using a sin(sqr()) transform."""
[docs] def get_cl_encode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor( 'asin(clamp((mot_float_type)sqrt(fabs( ({parameter_variable} - {lower_bound}) / ' ' ({upper_bound} - {lower_bound}) )), ' ' (mot_float_type)0, (mot_float_type)1))')
[docs] def get_cl_decode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('pown(sin({parameter_variable}), 2) * ' + '({upper_bound} - {lower_bound}) + {lower_bound}')
[docs] def encode_bounds(self, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): return np.ones_like(lower_bounds) * -np.inf, np.ones_like(upper_bounds) * np.inf
[docs]class SqrClampTransform(AbstractTransformation): """The clamp transformation limits the parameter between its lower and upper bound using a sqr() transform."""
[docs] def get_cl_encode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('sqrt({parameter_variable})')
[docs] def get_cl_decode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor('clamp((mot_float_type)({parameter_variable} * {parameter_variable}), ' ' (mot_float_type){lower_bound}, ' ' (mot_float_type){upper_bound})')
[docs] def encode_bounds(self, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): return np.ones_like(lower_bounds) * -np.inf, np.ones_like(upper_bounds) * np.inf
[docs]class AbsModXTransform(AbstractTransformation): def __init__(self, x_cl, x_python): """Create an transformation that returns the absolute modulo x value of the input.""" super().__init__() self._x_cl = x_cl self._x_python = x_python
[docs] def get_cl_encode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor( '({parameter_variable} - (' + str(self._x_cl) + ' * floor({parameter_variable} / ' + str(self._x_cl) + ')))')
[docs] def get_cl_decode(self): return FormatAssignmentConstructor( '({parameter_variable} - (' + str(self._x_cl) + ' * floor({parameter_variable} / ' + str(self._x_cl) + ')))')
[docs] def encode_bounds(self, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): return np.ones_like(lower_bounds) * -np.inf, np.ones_like(upper_bounds) * np.inf
[docs]class AbsModPiTransform(AbsModXTransform): def __init__(self): super().__init__('M_PI', np.pi)
[docs]class AbsModTwoPiTransform(AbsModXTransform): def __init__(self): super().__init__('(2 * M_PI)', 2 * np.pi)