Source code for mdt.model_building.trees

__author__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__date__ = "2015-03-26"
__license__ = "LGPL v3"
__maintainer__ = "Robbert Harms"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class Tree: def __init__(self, data=None, tag=None, children=None, parent=None): """Create a new Tree. In this tree, every node is a tree object as well. The tree is implemented as a linked list. Each node has a reference to its children and to its parent node. Args: data : The data object tag (str): The tag used for displaying this node children (list of Tree): The list of children to this node parent (Tree): The parent tree node. Attributes: data : The data object tag (str): The tag used for displaying this node children (list of Tree): The list of children to this node parent (Tree): The parent tree node. """ = data self.tag = tag or "" self.children = children or [] self.parent = parent @property def leaves(self): """Get all the leaves under this tree. Returns: list: A list of all leaves under this tree. """ leaves = [] if not self.children: leaves.append(self) else: for child in self.children: leaves.extend(child.leaves) return leaves @property def internal_nodes(self): """Get all the non-leaves under this tree (the internal nodes). Returns: list: A list of all non-leaves under this tree. """ internal_nodes = [] if self.children: internal_nodes.append(self) for child in self.children: internal_nodes.extend(child.internal_nodes) return internal_nodes def __str__(self, level=0): ret = "\t"*level + self.tag + "\n" for child in self.children: ret += child.__str__(level+1) return ret
[docs]class CompartmentModelTree(Tree): def __init__(self, model_lists): """Builds a multi modal multi compartment model from the given model tree. Valid model trees abides this grammar: tree ::= model | '(' tree ')' | '(' tree ',' operator ')' model ::= CompartmentModel ['(' nickname ')'] operator ::= '*' | '/' | '+' | '-' This means that one can build complex models consisting of compartment models combined using basic math operators. Args: model_lists (list of mdt.models.compartments.CompartmentModel): The model tree list """ super().__init__() self._init_tree(model_lists)
[docs] def get_compartment_models(self): """Get the compartment models that are part of this tree. This basically just returns the leaves of the tree. Returns: list of mdt.models.compartments.CompartmentModel: the compartments in this tree """ return [ for n in self.leaves]
def _init_tree(self, listing): if isinstance(listing, (list, tuple)): if len(listing) == 1: = listing[0] self.tag = listing[0].name else: operator = None for node in listing: if isinstance(node, str): if operator is not None: raise ValueError('Double operator in model listing.') operator = node else: nn = CompartmentModelTree(node) nn.parent = self self.children.append(nn) if operator is None: raise ValueError('No operator in model listing.') = operator self.tag = operator else: = listing self.tag = def __str__(self, level=0): if isinstance(, str): operator = ' ' + + ' ' return '(' + "\n" + "\t" * (level + 1) + \ operator.join([child.__str__(level + 1) for child in self.children]) + \ "\n" + "\t" * level + ')' else: return + '(' + ', '.join([ for p in]) + ')'