Source code for mdt.models.compartments

from mdt.model_building.model_functions import SimpleModelCLFunction, WeightType, ModelCLFunction
from mdt.model_building.parameters import FreeParameter, DataCacheParameter, NoiseStdInputParameter
from mot.lib.cl_function import SimpleCLFunction
from mot.lib.kernel_data import Struct, PrivateMemory, LocalMemory

__author__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__date__ = "2015-12-13"
__maintainer__ = "Robbert Harms"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class CompartmentModel(ModelCLFunction):
[docs] def get_constraints_func(self): """Get a tuple with the constraint function information. If no constraints are defined for this model function, return None Returns: None or mot.optimize.base.ConstraintFunction: None if no constraints are defined for this model. Else, a constraint function. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_extra_optimization_maps_funcs(self): """Get a list of functions to produce additional results post optimization. Returns: list of functions: the list of functions to be called """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_extra_sampling_maps_funcs(self): """Get a list of functions to produce additional results post sampling. These functions can return additional maps as sampling output. Returns: list of functions: the list of functions to be called """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_cache_struct(self, address_space): """Get the cache data for this compartment model. Args: address_space (str): the address space for the cache, either 'local' or 'private' Returns: Optional[mdt.model_building.computation_caching.CacheStruct]: the cache structure """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_cache_init_function(self): """Get the CL function for initializing the cache struct of this compartment. Please note that this function does not the struct type definitions of the cache. These need to be appended manually using the :meth:`get_cache_struct`. Returns: None or mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction: the CL function for initializing the cache. This function should have the same signature as the compartment model function. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class DMRICompartmentModelFunction(CompartmentModel, SimpleModelCLFunction): def __init__(self, return_type, cl_function_name, parameters, cl_body, dependencies=None, constraints_func=None, model_function_priors=None, extra_optimization_maps_funcs=None, extra_sampling_maps_funcs=None, nickname=None, cache_info=None): """Create a new dMRI compartment model function. Args: return_type (str): the CL return type cl_function_name (str): the name of this function in the CL kernel parameters (list of CLFunctionParameter): the list of the function parameters cl_body (str): the body of the CL code dependencies (list): the list of functions we depend on inside the kernel constraints_func (mot.optimize.base.ConstraintFunction): a constraint function for this compartment model_function_priors (list of mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction): additional compartment priors on top of the parameter priors. extra_optimization_maps_funcs (None or list or tuple): a list of modification callbacks to add new maps after optimization. extra_sampling_maps_funcs (None or list or tuple): a list of functions that can return additional maps after sampling. nickname (str or None): the nickname of this compartment model function. If given, this is the name of this compartment in a composite model function tree cache_info (Optional[CacheInfo]): the cache information for this compartment """ super().__init__(return_type, cl_function_name, parameters, cl_body, dependencies=dependencies, model_function_priors=model_function_priors) self._nickname = nickname self._extra_optimization_maps_funcs = extra_optimization_maps_funcs or [] self._extra_sampling_maps_funcs = extra_sampling_maps_funcs or [] self._cache_info = cache_info self._constraints_func = constraints_func if not self._cache_info and len([p for p in parameters if isinstance(p, DataCacheParameter)]): self._cache_info = CacheInfo([], '') @property def name(self): return self._nickname or self.get_cl_function_name()
[docs] def get_constraints_func(self): return self._constraints_func
[docs] def get_extra_optimization_maps_funcs(self): return self._extra_optimization_maps_funcs
[docs] def get_extra_sampling_maps_funcs(self): return self._extra_sampling_maps_funcs
[docs] def get_cache_struct(self, address_space): if not self._cache_info: return None fields = {} for dependency in self.get_dependencies(): if isinstance(dependency, CompartmentModel): if dependency.get_cache_struct(address_space): fields.update(dependency.get_cache_struct(address_space)) struct_name = self._get_cache_parameter().ctype if address_space == 'private': for ctype, name, nmr_elements in self._cache_info.fields: fields[name] = PrivateMemory(nmr_elements, ctype) else: for ctype, name, nmr_elements in self._cache_info.fields: fields[name] = LocalMemory(ctype, nmr_items=nmr_elements) return { Struct(fields, struct_name)}
[docs] def get_cache_init_function(self): if not self.get_cache_struct('private'): return None dependency_calls = [] cache_init_funcs = [] for dependency in self.get_dependencies(): if isinstance(dependency, CompartmentModel): cache_init_func = dependency.get_cache_init_function() if cache_init_func: params = [] for p in cache_init_func.get_parameters(): if isinstance(p, DataCacheParameter): params.append('{}->{}'.format(, dependency.get_cl_function_name())) else: params.append( dependency_calls.append('{}({});'.format(cache_init_func.get_cl_function_name(), ', '.join(params))) cache_init_funcs.append(cache_init_func) return SimpleCLFunction( 'void', '{}_init_cache'.format(self._function_name), [p for p in self.get_parameters() if isinstance(p, (FreeParameter, DataCacheParameter, NoiseStdInputParameter))], self._cache_info.cl_code + '\n'.join(dependency_calls), dependencies=cache_init_funcs + self.get_dependencies())
[docs] def evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs): if not any(isinstance(p, DataCacheParameter) for p in self._parameter_list): return super().evaluate(*args, **kwargs) cache_struct = self.get_cache_struct('private')[] cache_param_name = self._get_cache_parameter().name if isinstance(args[0], (tuple, list)): args = list(args) args[0] = tuple(args[0]) + (cache_struct,) else: args[0][cache_param_name] = cache_struct cache_init_func = self.get_cache_init_function() with_cache_func = SimpleCLFunction( self._return_type, '_{}'.format(self._function_name), self._parameter_list, ''' {cache_init_func_name}({cache_params}); return {parent_func_name}({parent_func_params}); '''.format(cache_init_func_name=cache_init_func.get_cl_function_name(), parent_func_name=self.get_cl_function_name(), cache_params=', '.join([ for p in cache_init_func.get_parameters()]), parent_func_params=', '.join([ for p in self.get_parameters()])), dependencies=[cache_init_func, self]) return with_cache_func.evaluate(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_cache_parameter(self): for p in self.get_parameters(): if isinstance(p, DataCacheParameter): return p
[docs]class WeightCompartment(CompartmentModel, WeightType): def __init__(self, return_type, cl_function_name, parameters, cl_body, dependencies=None, model_function_priors=None, nickname=None): """Create a new weight for use in composite models Args: cl_function_name (str): the name of this function in the CL kernel parameters (list of CLFunctionParameter): the list of the function parameters cl_body (str): the body of the CL code dependencies (list): the list of functions we depend on inside the kernel return_type (str): the CL return type model_function_priors (list of mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction): additional compartment priors on top of the parameter priors. nickname (str or None): the nickname of this compartment model function. If given, this is the name of this compartment in a composite model function tree """ super().__init__(return_type, cl_function_name, parameters, cl_body, dependencies=dependencies, model_function_priors=model_function_priors) self._nickname = nickname @property def name(self): return self._nickname or self.get_cl_function_name()
[docs] def get_constraints_func(self): return None
[docs] def get_extra_optimization_maps_funcs(self): return []
[docs] def get_extra_sampling_maps_funcs(self): return []
[docs] def get_cache_struct(self, address_space): return None
[docs] def get_cache_init_function(self): return None
[docs]class CacheInfo: def __init__(self, fields, cl_code): """A storage container for the cache info of an compartment function. Args: fields (list of tuple): the list of fields used in the cache. Each tuple element consists of (ctype, name, nmr_elements). cl_code (str): the body of the CL code needed for the cache initialization. This will be turned into a function by the compartment model. """ self.fields = fields self.cl_code = cl_code